All Projects


Rocky Mountain Lake Park


Denver Parks and Recreation




Denver, CO


Landscape Architect

Supporting Team

Elevation Consulting Group - Civil Engineer

Great Ecology - Ecological Consultant

enLighten Engineering - Electrical Engineer

San Engineering - Structural Engineer


Rocky Mountain Lake Park (RMLP) is a 56-acre park located in the Berkley Neighborhood of Northwest Denver. Following completion of a park-wide schematic design analysis, Flow Design Collaborative and our consultant team developed construction documents for park improvements which included 1.5 miles of concrete, multi-use trails, 0.5 miles of new soft surface trails, conversion of 3.5 acres of irrigated bluegrass to native grass and forbs, lake shoreline restoration and installation of a new permitted picnic area.

The RMLP turf grass conversion and native restoration incorporated a hybrid approach to address multiple existing conditions and proposed project outcomes. This project successfully addressed the conversion of existing irrigated bluegrass in both open turf areas as well as areas of turf located within existing tree canopy and adjacent to existing trees. Existing native areas experiencing varying degrees of compaction and degradation were also revegetated using a combination of custom seed mixes to accommodate multiple site conditions and recreational uses.

Native prairie meadows adjacent to the concrete walks allow for visitors to connect with local flora and fauna in their neighborhood park.

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